What Is A Soft Number In Blackjack?

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Picture this: you’re at a lively blackjack table, ready to beat the dealer and win big! You’ve got your cards in hand, and suddenly, you hear the term “soft number” being thrown around. What does it mean? Well, my young friend, in the world of blackjack, it’s a term you’ll want to become familiar with. So, let’s dive right in and explore what a soft number really is in this exciting card game!

Imagine you’re dealt an Ace and a 6. You could count your hand as 7 or 17, right? But here’s the twist: in blackjack, an Ace can be valued as 1 or 11, depending on what benefits you the most. That’s where the concept of a soft number comes in! A soft number is a hand that contains an Ace valued as 11, giving you some flexibility and strategic advantages during the game.

Now, you may be wondering, “What makes a soft number so special?” Well, my curious friend, having a soft number means you can hit for additional cards without the fear of busting, as the Ace can always be reduced to 1 if needed. It allows you to play a bit more aggressively and go for those higher numbers, increasing your chances of beating the dealer. Exciting stuff, isn’t it?

So, the next time you hear the term “soft number” at a blackjack table, you can confidently join in the conversation. You now understand that it refers to a hand with an Ace valued as 11, giving you flexibility and the opportunity to play strategically. Just remember to make the most of this advantage and aim for that winning hand! Good luck, young blackjack enthusiast!

What is a Soft Number in Blackjack?

Exploring the Concept of Soft Numbers in Blackjack

Welcome to our article on the intriguing concept of soft numbers in the game of blackjack. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what exactly soft numbers are, how they are calculated, and what significance they hold in the game. Whether you are a seasoned player looking to brush up on your knowledge or a newcomer curious about the ins and outs of blackjack, this article has you covered. So let’s dive in and explore the world of soft numbers in blackjack!

The Basics of Blackjack

Before we delve into the concept of soft numbers, let’s quickly refresh our memory on the fundamentals of blackjack. Blackjack is a popular card game played at casinos worldwide, known for its blend of skill, strategy, and luck. The goal of the game is simple – to beat the dealer’s hand without exceeding a total of 21 points. Players are dealt two cards initially and can choose to “hit” (receive additional cards) or “stand” (keep their current hand) in an attempt to get as close to 21 as possible without going over.

What are Soft Numbers in Blackjack?

In blackjack, certain hands are referred to as “soft” due to the presence of an Ace that can be counted as either 1 or 11 points. Soft numbers come into play when the Ace in the hand is valued at 11 points. For example, if a player is initially dealt an Ace and a 6, the total value of their hand is 17. This is called a soft 17 because it can be changed to a hard 7 by counting the Ace as 1 point. Soft numbers provide players with greater flexibility in their gameplay, as they can choose to switch between the two values of the Ace to optimize their chances of winning.

It’s important to note that the term “soft” is used when the hand contains an Ace that can be counted as 11 points, and “hard” is used when the Ace has a fixed value of 1 point. Soft numbers give players an advantage, as they provide more opportunities to improve their hand without fear of exceeding 21. Understanding and effectively utilizing soft numbers can significantly enhance a player’s strategy and increase their chances of success at the blackjack table.

Calculating Soft Numbers

Now that we understand what soft numbers are, let’s explore how to calculate them. When faced with a hand containing an Ace, you can determine whether it is a soft number by subtracting 10 from the total value of the hand. If the resulting number is greater than 10, it is a soft number. For example, if a player has a hand with an Ace, a 7, and a 5, the total value is 13. By subtracting 10 from 13, we find that it is a soft 3. This means the Ace can be counted as either 1 or 11 without exceeding 21.

Being able to calculate soft numbers on the spot is a valuable skill for blackjack players. It allows them to make informed decisions during gameplay and adapt their strategy based on the specific circumstances of each hand. Mastering the art of soft number calculations is one of the keys to becoming a successful blackjack player.

Tips for Optimizing Soft Numbers in Blackjack

Now that we have a solid understanding of soft numbers in blackjack, let’s explore some tips for effectively utilizing them to improve our gameplay:

  • Double Down on Soft 13-18: When faced with a soft hand ranging from 13 to 18, it is generally recommended to double down. This involves doubling your original bet and receiving one additional card. Doubling down on a soft hand allows you to take advantage of the flexibility provided by the Ace and increase your odds of achieving a winning hand.
  • Hit on Soft 17 and Lower: If your hand contains a soft 17 or lower, it is advisable to hit and draw another card. This gives you the opportunity to improve your hand without the risk of going over 21. Remember, the Ace can always be counted as 1 point in these situations.
  • Stand on Soft 19 and Higher: If you have a soft hand with a value of 19 or higher, it is generally recommended to stand. These hands are already strong, and there is a higher likelihood of going bust if you draw another card.

By keeping these tips in mind and practicing your soft number calculations, you can significantly enhance your strategy and increase your chances of winning at the blackjack table. Remember, blackjack is not just a game of chance – it requires skill, strategy, and a deep understanding of the various elements at play, including soft numbers!

Advantages of Understanding Soft Numbers in Blackjack

Now that we have explored the concept of soft numbers in blackjack and learned how to effectively utilize them in our gameplay, let’s take a moment to highlight some of the advantages of understanding this crucial aspect of the game:

Increased Flexibility

One of the main advantages of incorporating soft numbers into your blackjack strategy is the increased flexibility they provide. With the ability to switch between 1 and 11 points for the Ace in your hand, you have greater control over the outcome of each round. This flexibility allows you to adapt your strategy based on the specific circumstances and maximize your chances of winning.

Improved Decision-Making

Understanding soft numbers allows you to make more informed decisions during gameplay. It provides you with a deeper understanding of the potential outcomes of each hand and allows you to assess the risk versus reward ratio more accurately. This, in turn, enables you to make strategic choices that can significantly impact the outcome of the game.

Higher Winning Potential

By effectively utilizing soft numbers, you can significantly increase your winning potential at the blackjack table. Making the right decisions regarding hitting, standing, or doubling down on soft hands can give you a competitive edge over the dealer and improve your chances of coming out on top. Incorporating soft number strategies into your gameplay can turn the tides in your favor and lead to more significant and consistent winnings.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Soft Numbers in Blackjack

While understanding soft numbers can undoubtedly improve your blackjack gameplay, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes that players make when dealing with soft hands. By avoiding these pitfalls, you can optimize your chances of success and make the most of the advantages offered by soft numbers:

Mistake 1: Failing to Recognize Soft Numbers

One of the most significant errors players commit is failing to recognize when they have a soft hand. This can lead to missed opportunities and incorrect decision-making. It is crucial to develop the ability to identify soft numbers in your hand accurately and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Mistake 2: Playing Soft 18 Conservatively

Soft 18 is a classic example of a hand where players tend to play conservatively and stand. However, by doing so, they are missing out on the opportunity to potentially improve their hand and increase their chances of winning. As mentioned earlier, it is generally recommended to double down on soft 18 in certain situations, such as when the dealer’s upcard is weak.

Mistake 3: Failing to Adjust Strategy Based on Soft Numbers

Another mistake to avoid is sticking to a rigid strategy and failing to adjust it based on the presence of soft numbers. Soft hands require a different approach and necessitate more flexibility in decision-making. By being adaptable and making informed choices based on the specific circumstances of each hand, you can optimize your gameplay and improve your chances of success.

By steering clear of these common mistakes, developing a solid understanding of soft numbers, and implementing effective strategies, you can elevate your blackjack gameplay to new heights. Soft numbers are a valuable tool in a player’s arsenal, and incorporating them into your gameplay can greatly enhance your chances of winning.

Key Takeaways: What is a Soft Number in Blackjack?

  • A soft number in blackjack refers to a hand that contains an Ace that can be counted as either 11 or 1.
  • Soft numbers provide flexibility and strategic advantages in the game.
  • To convert a soft number to a hard number, you can choose to count the Ace as 1.
  • Having a soft number gives you the opportunity to hit without the risk of busting.
  • Understanding soft numbers is crucial for making optimal decisions in blackjack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ section on the topic of soft numbers in Blackjack. Below, we have compiled a list of commonly asked questions to help you better understand this concept and improve your Blackjack skills. Dive in and discover the answers you’ve been seeking!

1. How is a soft number different from a hard number in Blackjack?

In Blackjack, a soft number refers to a hand that contains an Ace that is being counted as 11. For example, if you have an Ace and a 6, you have a soft 17 because the Ace counts as 11. On the other hand, a hard number is a hand where the Ace is being counted as 1.

The significant difference is that with a soft number, you have flexibility in hitting without the risk of busting. It allows you to hit for additional cards and aim for a higher total, giving you more options during gameplay.

2. Can a soft number turn into a hard number during a Blackjack game?

No, a soft number cannot turn into a hard number during a game. Once you have a soft number hand, the Ace will always be counted as 11, regardless of the additional cards dealt.

For instance, if you have an Ace and a 6, giving you a soft 17, even if you draw a 9 and have a total of 26, it will still be considered a soft 17. The Ace will remain as 11, and the total will be adjusted to avoid busting.

3. How should I play a soft number hand in Blackjack?

When you have a soft number hand in Blackjack, there are a few strategies you can employ. If your soft number is 19 or higher, it is generally recommended to stand, as you have a strong hand. However, if your soft number is 18 or lower, you have some flexibility.

A common strategy is to double down when the dealer’s upcard is weak, such as 4, 5, or 6. You can also consider hitting if you have a soft 18 and the dealer has a strong card, like a 9, 10, or Ace. It’s important to remember that the specific strategy may vary depending on the Blackjack variant you’re playing.

4. Can the dealer have a soft number in Blackjack?

Yes, the dealer can have a soft number in Blackjack. The rules for the dealer are generally fixed: they must hit on a total of 16 or less and stand on a total of 17 or more. However, when the dealer has a soft number, they have more flexibility.

If the dealer has a soft 17 (an Ace and a 6), the rules may vary depending on the specific casino or game. Some casinos require the dealer to hit on a soft 17, while others require them to stand. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of the game you are playing.

5. Are soft numbers advantageous in Blackjack?

Soft numbers can be advantageous in Blackjack because they offer more flexibility and strategic options. Having a soft number hand allows you to hit for additional cards without the risk of busting, increasing your chances of improving your hand’s total.

However, it is important to make strategic decisions based on the dealer’s upcard and the specific rules of the game. Soft number hands should not be seen as an automatic win, but rather an opportunity to maximize your chances of beating the dealer.

How to Read a Soft Hand in Blackjack


In Blackjack, a soft number is when you have an Ace that can count as 11. Soft numbers give you more flexibility in your hand because if you go over 21, the Ace can be counted as 1 instead. It’s like having a safety net.

Knowing how to play soft numbers is important because it can help you make better decisions during the game. Soft hands allow you to take more risks, like doubling down or hitting, to improve your chances of winning. So next time you play Blackjack, pay attention to those soft numbers and use them to your advantage!

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